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A new full archive of AmiUpdate V2.55 released.

AmiUpdate V2.55 released.

Update.library 53.20 released

AmiUpdate V2.54 released.

Updated the developer documentation and added more detailed coverage.

The new Bugtracker is now online, thanks to MantisBT. Read more here.

AmiUpdate V2.53 released.

This includes a fix to the Preferences editor and an application.library error.

Also spent some time giving the website some loving to ensure links etc now work due to the ongoing domain redirection problems.

AmiUpdate V2.52 released.

Currently supported applications and components


ADRipper 1.13 ADRipper Daniel JedlickaSimon Archer
ADRipper_mp3_encoder 1.2 MP3 ADRipper encoder Adrien Chiron
ADRipper_oggvorbis_encoder 1.2 Ogg Vorbis ADRipper encoder Adrien Chiron
ADRipper_Spanish 1.12 ADRipper Spanish Locale files Dámaso Domínguez
AFNews 1.0 Amiga Future Everywhere Andreas Magerl
AFrogGame 1.1 An update to A Frog Game Frank Menzel
AISS 4.22 Amiga Image Storage System Martin Merz
AISSView 1.2 AISS viewer Dave Norris
AmiDVD 1.49 AmiDVD CD/DVD burning tool Jörg Strohmayer
AmigaAMP3 3.33 AmigaAMP Thomas Wenzel
AminetReadme 1.11 AminetReadme Fredrik Wikstrom
AmIRC 3.13 AmIRC
AmiSoundED 0.12 AmiSoundED Fredrik Wikstrom
AmiSoundED_MP3_Plugin 0.3 AmiSoundED MP3 plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
AmiSSL 5.18 AmiSSL libraries Oliver Roberts
AmiUpdate 2.55 AmiUpdate Simon Archer
AmiUpdate_Danish 2.14 AmiUpdate Danish locale files Niels Bache
AmiUpdate_Finnish 2.54 AmiUpdate Finnish locale files Marko Raina
AmiUpdate_German 2.54 AmiUpdate German locale files Michael Merkel
AmiUpdate_Greek 2.35 AmiUpdate Greek locale files Anthony Iliakis
AmiUpdate_Italian 2.32 AmiUpdate Italian locale files
AmiUpdate_Russian 2.33 AmiUpdate Russian locale files Mikhail Malyshev
AmiUpdate_Spanish 2.33 AmiUpdate Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
Assist 2.12 Assist application Daniel Hutchinson
Atheros5000_Device_Spanish 1.6 Atheros5000 device Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
AttachYAM 1.0 AttachMail program Guillaume BOESEL
aTunes 1.0 aTunes utility Guillaume BOESEL
aTunes_Cover_AAmp 1.0 aTunes_Cover_AAmp utility Guillaume BOESEL
AutoDock 1.1 AutoDock Tuomas Hokka
AutoRun 53.1 AutoRun commodity Fredrik Wikstrom
AU_DataType 50.2 Sun AU datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
Avalanche 2.4 An update to Avalanche
AVI_Library 52.2 AVI library Fredrik Wikstrom
BalanceBlox 1.1 An update to Balance Blox Frank Menzel
BibVision 2.1 BibVision bible reader Marko Raina
Blanker_2DTunnel 1.2 2D Tunnel blanker module René W. Olsen
Blanker_ASwarm 1.2 ASwarm blanker module René W. Olsen
Blanker_Blackhole 1.1 BlackHole blanker module René W. Olsen
Blanker_Cubes 1.1 Cubes blanker module René W. Olsen
Blanker_DawaFire 1.1 DawaFire blanker module René W. Olsen
Blanker_Flamme 1.1 Flamme blanker module René W. Olsen
Blanker_FlyingToasters 1.1 FlyingToasters blanker module René W. Olsen
BubbelscheDeluxe 1.5 An update to Bubbelsche Deluxe Frank Menzel
CBM1541FileSystem 2.3 CBM 1541 filesystem Fredrik Wikstrom
CDDAPatch 52.2 CDDAPatch commodity Fredrik Wikstrom
CDPlayer_Library 52.7 cdplayer shared library Fredrik Wikstrom
CDXLPlay 2.7 CDXL player Fredrik Wikstrom
CDXLPlay_Spanish 2.7 CDXLPlay Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
ClipGrab 3.5 ClipGrab Guillaume BOESEL
CompareDirs 1.12 CompareDirs Alexandre BalabanFredrik Wikstrom
CopyStore 2.7 CopyStore command
CPUDock 50.0 CPUDock docky Guillaume BOESEL
CR2_DataType 39.1 Canon CR2 RAW datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
Cranu_Spanish 1.0 Cranu Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
D 2.1 D utility René W. Olsen
DateTime_Docky 52.4 DateTime AmiDock docky Fredrik Wikstrom
DDS_DataType 52.2 DDS datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
DF 0.3 DF command Marko Seppänen
Digital_Universe 1.7 Digital Universe astronomy software Bill Eaves
DirectoryOpus 4.18.44 DirectoryOpus4 utility Joachim Birging
DirectoryOpus_Spanish 2.0 Directory Opus 4 Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
diskcache.library 3.30 diskcache library Jörg Strohmayer
DiskImage.device 53.4 DiskImage device driver Fredrik Wikstrom
DiskImage_FDI_Plugin 52.12 DiskImage FDI plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
DiskLED_Docky 53.1 DiskLED AmiDock docky Jörg Strohmayer
DisplayFiles 0.993 DF (DisplayFiles) command Marko Seppänen
DodgeTheseBalls 1.4 An update to Dodge These Balls Frank Menzel
ElMeter 2.0 elmeter utility Marko Raina
Emotion 1.9 An update to Emotion Frank Menzel
exFATFileSystem 53.15 exFAT filesystem Fredrik Wikstrom
Expat_Library 5.2 expat library Johan Samuelson
FastHide 1.0 FastHide utility Guillaume BOESEL
FastLHA 1.0 FastCompress utility Guillaume BOESEL
FastLZX 1.0 FastLZX utility Guillaume BOESEL
FastNote 1.0 FastNote utility Guillaume BOESEL
FastView 1.0 FastView utility Guillaume BOESEL
FastZIP 1.0 FastZIP utility Guillaume BOESEL
FindMore 2.3 FindMore utility Tuomas Hokka
flic_datatype 1.8 Autodesk Animator datatype Chris Young
Flipclock 53.2 Flipclock commodity Niels Schapke
FlipPaper 1.0 FlipPaper utility Guillaume BOESEL
Flite.device 52.5 Flite device driver Fredrik Wikstrom
Font_DataType 39.6 font datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
ftpd 2.1 FTPd FTP server Alexandre Balaban
FuelGauge 2.0 FuelGauge commodity Tuomas Hokka
GfxBench2D 2.10 GfxBench2D graphics benchmarking tool Hans de Ruiter
GFXDock 50.0 GFXDock docky Guillaume BOESEL
Granite 1.4 Granite firewall Tuomas Hokka
Granite_Spanish 1.0 Granite Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
GSGui 0.38 GUI for GhostScript8 Michael Merkel
GSGui_Spanish 0.33 GSGui Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
GuideMaker 1.0 GuideMaker application Tom Breeden
HexView_Spanish 1.0 HexView Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
Hieronymus 0.22 Hieronymus statistical profiler Mathias PARNAUDEAU
HivelyTracker 1.7 HivelyTracker application Peter Gordon
Hollywood_Designer_Spanish 6.0 Hollywood Designer Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
Hollywood_Spanish 10.0 Hollywood Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
IBrowse 30.8 IBrowse Oliver Roberts
ICNS_DataType 52.3 ICNS datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
ICO_DataType 52.1 ICO datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
INFO_DataType 52.2 AmigaOS Icon (.info) datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
IPS-o-Matic 1.2 IPS-o-Matic program Fredrik Wikstrom
ISO-o-Matic 1.11 ISO-o-Matic program Fredrik Wikstrom
ISpell 3.3 ISpell application Alexandre Balaban
Jack 4.0 Jack Multi-purpose utility Richard Lake
JAmiga 1.2 JAmiga Joakim Nordström
JAmiga-Beta 1.1 JVM JAmiga Joakim Nordström
JAmiga-bin-jamvm 1.2 JAmiga virtual machine jamvm Joakim Nordström
JAmiga-classpath 1.2 JAmiga GNU Classpath Joakim Nordström
JAmiga-dev-kit 1.1 JAmiga optional developers package Joakim Nordström
JAmiga-lib-javaio 2.2 JAmiga javaio library Joakim Nordström
JAmiga-lib-javalang 2.1 JAmiga javalang library Joakim Nordström
JAmiga-lib-javalangreflect 2.1 JAmiga library Joakim Nordström
JAmiga-lib-javanio 2.7 JAmiga javanio library Joakim Nordström
JNG_Datatype 1.3 JNG/MNG/PNG picture datatype Chris Young
JPEG2000_DataType 53.2 JPEG 2000 datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
Koala_DataType 39.4 C64 KoalaPainter datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
Lhx 0.89 Lhx archiver Marko Seppänen
libboostyGfxV2 2.0.2 LibBoostyGfxV2
LiteXL 2.1.7 An update to LiteXL George Sokianos
LittleBrother 51.0 LittleBrother docky Guillaume BOESEL
LoadLib 1.2 Loadlib René W. Olsen
LZMA_Lib 53.7 lzma library Fredrik Wikstrom
MACE 1.6 An update to M.A.C.E. Frank Menzel
MEDPlayer_Library 8.3 medplayer libraries Fredrik Wikstrom
MEM-Handler 52.2 MEM-Handler Fredrik Wikstrom
MiniGL_Lib 2.24 MiniGL shared library Hans de Ruiter
Mixer 1.42 Mixer program Javier de las Rivas
Mpg123_Library 53.1 mpg123.library Fredrik Wikstrom
MPlayer 53.1 MPlayer media player Andrea Palmatè
NetDock 51.0 NetDock docky Guillaume BOESEL
NetSurf 3.600011 NetSurf web browser Chris Young
OpenJPEG_Library 52.4 JPEG 2000 codec library Fredrik Wikstrom
Oricutron 0.9 Oric emulator Peter Gordon
OWB 3.32 Origyn Web Browser Jörg Strohmayer
PCX_DataType 0.4 PCX datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
PetesFTP 1.2 Petes FTP Peter Gordon
Phonolith 1.0 Phonolith application Timo Kloss
PicDTBench 1.2 PicDTBench Oliver Roberts
Pixman_Library 53.3 pixman-1.library Fredrik Wikstrom
PlayCDDA 1.7 CDDA player Fredrik Wikstrom
PowerSelect 3.1 PowerSelect Janne Peräaho
PPF-o-Matic 1.2 PPF-o-Matic program Fredrik Wikstrom
PrefsCenter 1.3 PrefsCenter Tuomas Hokka
ProAction 1.6 ProAction GUI server for scripts Andy Broad
PTPlay_Library 2.6 PtPlay library Fredrik Wikstrom
PTReplay_Library 7.2 ptreplay library Fredrik Wikstrom
Qt_DataTypes_plugin 1.2 Qt DataTypes imageformat plugin Chris Young
QuickStarter 1.4 QuickStarter Tuomas Hokka
QuickStarter_Spanish 1.8 QuickStarter Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
RAMDock 50.0 RAMDock docky Guillaume BOESEL
Ranger 1.59 Ranger diagnostic tool Steven Solie
rBroadcastWOL 2.1 rBroadcastWOL program René W. Olsen
rCube 2.1 rCube program René W. Olsen
Reactive_crypto 2.3 Reactive Crypto library René W. Olsen
Reactive_lib 2.12 Reactive library René W. Olsen
RecordBox 0.3 RecordBox application Daniel Hutchinson
RGFX_DataType 43.16 RGFX datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
rHash 2.2 rHash program René W. Olsen
rIPConfig 2.2 rIPConfig program René W. Olsen
River Pirates 1.2 An update to RiverPirates Frank Menzel
rosprite_datatype 2.4 RISC OS Sprite datatype Chris Young
rRandom 2.1 rRandom program René W. Olsen
rSudoku 1.1 rSodoku René W. Olsen
rTelnet 2.1 rTelnet program René W. Olsen
SAMDOSFileSystem 52.2 Sam Coupe filesystem Fredrik Wikstrom
Santas Monster Shootout 1.1 An update to Santas Monster Shootout Frank Menzel
SCANdal_Spanish 1.1 SCANdal Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
scr_datatype 1.5 Spectrum/Timex screen datatype Chris Young
ScummVM 2.9 ScummVM Hubert Maier
SDL_1.2_shared_object 1.4 Simple Directmedia Layer shared object Peter Gordon
ShowFiles 0.995 ShowFiles (sf) command Marko Seppänen
SketchBlock 1.9 SketchBlock digital paint program Andy Broad
SmartButton-Docky 50.8 Smart Button Docky Adrien Chiron
SMARTDock 53.2 SMARTDock docky Guillaume BOESEL
SMTube 20.1 SMTube Guillaume BOESEL
SnapIT_Spanish 1.5 SnapIT Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
Snoopy 54.107 Snoopy utility
SRec 2.6 SRec screen recorder Fredrik Wikstrom
STReplay_Library 52.4 streplay library Fredrik Wikstrom
SuperStarBlast 1.8 An update to Super Star Blast Frank Menzel
SVG_DataType 52.1 SVG datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
SwampDefense 1.5 An update to Swamp Defense Frank Menzel
SwampDefense2 1.2 An update to Swamp Defense 2 Frank Menzel
SysMon 1.0 SysMon utility Guillaume BOESEL
TapJewels 1.1 An update to TapJewels Frank Menzel
Targa_DataType 0.3 Targa datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
TaskView_Spanish 0.4 TaskView Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
TitleBar_Image 51.1 titlebar image class Fredrik Wikstrom
TopApp_Spanish 1.0 TopApp Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
Tunenet_ACM_Plugin 1.2 Tunenet ACM plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
TuneNet_AdPlug_Plugin 1.2 Tunenet AdPlug plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
Tunenet_AD_Plugin 1.7 Tunenet ADPlug plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
Tunenet_Datatype_Plugin 1.6 Tunenet datatypes plugin Chris Young
TuneNet_MikMod_Plugin 1.2 Tunenet MikMod plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
Tunenet_PTK_Plugin 1.3 Tunenet PTK plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
Tunenet_S98_plugin 1.2 Tunenet S98 plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
Tunenet_WAVE_Plugin 1.2 Tunenet WAVE plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
Tunenet_XMP_Plugin 1.4 Tunenet XMP plugin Fredrik Wikstrom
TunNet_XMP3_Plugin 3.2 TuneNet XMP3 plugin Chris Young
UADE 2.13 Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator Fredrik Wikstrom
update_lib 53.20 Update library Simon Archer
Update_Prefs 53.18 AmiUpdate Preferences editor Simon Archer
VDITool 1.2 VDITool Fredrik Wikstrom
Videotex_Datatype 1.5 Viewdata/Videotex/Teletext frame datatype Chris Young
WarpBMP_Datatype 45.8 WarpBMP datatype Oliver Roberts
WarpDTPrefs 45.12 WarpDT preferences program Oliver Roberts
WarpJPEG_Datatype 45.17 WarpJPEG datatype Oliver Roberts
WarpPCX_Datatype 45.6 WarpPCX datatype Oliver Roberts
WarpPNG_Datatype 45.27 WarpPNG datatype Oliver Roberts
WarpPSD_Datatype 45.7 WarpPSD datatype Oliver Roberts
WarpTIFF_Datatype 45.12 WarpTIFF datatype Oliver Roberts
WarpWebP_Datatype 45.5 WarpWebP datatype Oliver Roberts
Wave_DataType 52.1 RIFF-WAVE datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
WBKillWin_Spanish 1.0 WBKillWin Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
WBPreview 1.5 WBPreview utility Tuomas Hokka
WebP_Datatype 1.6 WebP DataType Chris Young
WebP_Library 4.1 webp.library Chris Young
Wet 6.8 Wet application Chris Young
WiFiSignal 1.4 Prism Wifi signal strength utility Curtis Holborn
WinBar-Docky 50.14 WinBar docky Adrien Chiron
WindowThumbs 2.2 WindowThumbs commodity Tuomas Hokka
WookieChat 2.9 WookieChat IRC client James Carroll
WorkbenchExplorer 2.4 Workbench Explorer Mark Ritter
WW2 7.15 WW2 strategy game Steven Solie
X1kTemp 53.9 X1000 temperature monitor docky Alexandre Balaban
XADFileSystem 53.2 XAD archive file system Fredrik Wikstrom
XAD_7z 2.8 7-Zip client for xadmaster.library Chris Young
xad_lha 1.16 xadmaster.library LhA client Chris Young
xad_rar 2.5 RAR xadmaster plugin Chris Young
xad_xz 1.2 XZ xadmaster client Chris Young
XFDMaster_Library 53.7 xfdmaster.library Fredrik Wikstrom
XFD_LZMA_Slave 1.2 LZMA decrunch slave for xfdmaster.library Chris Young
XISOFileSystem 52.3 X-box CD/DVD filesystem Fredrik Wikstrom
xpkSQSH 2.1 xpkSQSH sub-library Chris Young
XPK_DataType 39.2 XPK datatype Fredrik Wikstrom
XvidCore_Library 52.2 XvidCore library Fredrik Wikstrom
YoctoFacts 1.4 YoctoFacts Chris Young
Zip_Library 53.3 zip.library Fredrik Wikstrom
ZitaFTPServer 1.36 ZitaFTP Server. Hans de Ruiter
ZoomIT_Spanish 1.3 ZoomIT Spanish locale files Dámaso Domínguez
Z_Library 52.1 z.library Fredrik Wikstrom
There are 242 modules in database


Updates offered in this database are uploaded via an automated system and are the responsibility of the uploader. The AmiUpdate staff and the AmiUpdate client authors accept no responsibility for the quality or the content of updates offered in this (or any other) database under the "AmiUpdate" banner. No files (apart from the core AmiUpdate client and peripherals, and other verified material) are hosted on this server. Complaints with updates offered should be directed at the update uploaders, details of which are in the individual updates package contents. The responsibility of package content is solely attributed to the uploader, no liability is applied or accepted by any of the staff or authors.
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Last updated: 05/02/2025
Website design - Copyright © 2025 Simon Archer. AmiUpdate and its associated components - copyright © 2005-2025 Simon Archer
In program and website graphics - Copyright © 2005-2025 Robert Willie - Copyright © 2025 Martin Merz

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